An Aussie friend

Created by Laraine 4 months ago

Hazel was a much loved friend who I met while living in England during 1991, when my husband was on a teacher exchange with Tony Love.
Hazel was one of the first people to visit me after arriving, and I warmed to her friendliness immediately. 
She would include me in days out visiting places or on shopping trips. I loved it when she would just pop in for a cuppa and a chat while our children were at school. Our conversations were always easy and full of laughs and stories. 
I have two little treasures that she gave me to bring back to Australia as memories. One is a little Beefeater toby jug, and the other a miniature Windsor Theatre ornament, to remember going to a show their together.  When I dust them I always think of her, and her words that she said when she gave them to me. 
Hazel…so kind, caring, thoughtful, giving and such a beautiful soul, will never be forgotten. 
Love from,

Laraine Bennett…Bli Bli, Queensland, Australia

